Ancillary Services
Fiber protector
Fine fabrics and carpets should be enjoyed, not worried about. ECO Logic’s Fiber Protection helps to protect your fabrics and carpets from soils, spills and wear. You’ll appreciate the true colors, textures and beauty of all your interiors textiles with the ECO Logic Fiber Protection treatment.

Protect Your Carpet Inside and Out with ECO Logic Fiber Protector
The Performance Difference
Conventional field-applied treatments are just surface treatments primarily for soil protection. ECO Logic Fiber Protector goes beyond ordinary surface soil guards. It protects the carpet fibers inside and out. Fiber Protector combines the best anti-soiling technologies into one remarkable product.
Soil protection is largely a matter of keeping dirt from clinging to the fiber surface. Fiber Protector’s flourochemical coating not only does this, but also minimizes stains from penetrating the surface. Yet even with this barrier, some water-based stains can still seep inside the fiber. Once they form a strong bond within the fiber, they can be very difficult to remove.
For liquid stain protection, Fiber Protector provides an “advanced stain resist” fiber subsurface technology. It actually alters the subsurface of the fiber to prevent water-based stains from bonding to dyesites inside.
With this combination of surface and subsurface treatments, you get the best carpet clean ability for all types of soils and stains. And it lasts – the durability of ECO Logic Fiber Protector is 250,000 foot traffics versus 100,000 foot traffics for conventional field-applied treatments.
Built In Protection After the Fact
Normally, such advanced fiber protection is available only from the manufacturer. But with ECO Logic Fiber Protector, you get it “on-site” – after installation. Now you can add extra internal fiber protection just where it’s needed (such as break and copier rooms, cafeterias and restrooms). ECO Logic Fiber Protector provides reliable, consistent, and high quality service.
Feel Clean
See how bringing sustainable maintenance to your organization makes good business sense.
Start Clean
Let’s get started with a Eco Logic maintenance plan. See how you can get that clean space you want while taking cleaning maintenance completely off your to-do list.
Live Clean
See how bringing sustainable maintenance to your organization makes good business sense.
Look Clean
There’s a lot that goes into keeping your space clean.
You don’t need to know it all, but it’s kind of nice to see what’s going on.
ECO Logic delivers the latest technology in sanitization and disinfecting of space. We use a non-invasive, non-toxic, and non-corrosive electrostatic spray process to deliver a broad spectrum sanitizer known as Vital Oxide.
This process kills 99.999% of bacteria, including e Coli, Salmonella and Listeria in less than 60 seconds. Our process is a non-invasive, non-toxic, and non-corrosive technology that addresses the broad spectrum of bacteria, yeasts, viruses, molds, and mildew, while being gentle on the environment. Our services are an effective means of reducing the risks associated with common health concerns, such as e-coli, staph, flu, and norovirus as well as volatile organic compounds.
Our treatment is currently delivered in a variety of occupied environments and is an EPA registered hospital grade disinfectant. The benefits of this service include a decrease in employee absenteeism, improved morale, and improved air quality. The system is delivered after hours and is completed by the next working day, with no disruption to your operations. Your occupied envelope is returned to you in a healthy contaminant free state.
Odor neutralization
Don’t Just Mask Odors – Eliminate Them Permanently.
ECO Logic Odor Neutralizer destroys odor-producing chemicals, and can also be used to eliminate a persistent
source. When Odor Neutralizer is applied, not only does it destroy the immediate odor, it also speeds up the
destruction of the source by oxidizing it to non-volatile (and therefore non-odorous) materials.
A safe, biodegradable, nontoxic and non-staining formulation, ECO Logic Odor Neutralizer enhances the
environment by destroying odors on a molecular level without the use of perfumes, fragrances and enzymes.
Capital Lifecycle Analysis
As we extend asset life for our clients we have become expert in analyzing and planning for capital replacement. First we do an inch by inch analysis of all your space and produce a report on flooring by manufacturer, pattern, color, dye lot, age and condition. We are able to create an easy to use capital planning tool that lets you accurately forecast budgets and plan for replacement.
For more information on our maintenance program designed for your facility’s needs or to learn more about our recommended cleaning solutions and procedures